Baseball Beach Ball

Baseball Beach Ball

Happy Friday Eve, friends! I hope you all had a Happy Easter and that the weather is starting to warm up where you live. Spring is finally here!

Today I’m sharing how to inflate learning using a baseball beach ball. Are you a big baseball fan? Maybe you played baseball when you were younger or went to your siblings/friends baseball games? I grew up playing softball and my brother was an awesome baseball player. We always brought our baseball gloves to the beach so we could have a catch while enjoying the beautiful sunshine. My husband and I have been blessed to also see a few spring training games this year. It’s such a blast.

5 ways to use baseball beach balls in your classroom:

  1. Practice identifying sight words – Teachers can write sight words on the ball and students will say the words aloud. This can be done in a small group or large group setting.

  2. Baseball Circle Time / Morning Meeting – Ask students if they’ve been to a baseball game before and what that experience was like. What shape is a baseball? Students can only share if they are holding the baseball. Then, they can roll/throw it to a friend.

  3. Baseball Beginning Sounds – In small group or large group, students can name something that starts with b. Then, they can toss the ball to a friend. Which students names start with b?

  4. Baseball colors – Ask students what color a baseball is. Then, have them identify something else in the room with that color. Maybe their shirt or shoes are that color.

  5. Sing take me out to the ballgame! What a classic and fun song for students to sing along to.

Have a terrific Thursday and an incredible weekend! I’ll see you back here next week :).
